December 30, 2008

Mamma Mia! - the Musical

Yessh I just came home from Istana Budaya.

When we reached Istana Budaya, mummy bumped into a USM friend, and so they chatted. I browsed through the souvenirs available .. hahah, I saw the pair of RM75 pants Amelia bought :\

When I turned a little bit, I saw Dawn and Joy from ballroom class. hah! What a coincidence! I also saw Dhama from school :) Bought a programme book and we went in. I was sooo excited i couldn't phrase sentences properly.

We sat about 6 rows from the stage, which was awesome cos we could see the formation and the expressions of the cast perfectly. The music blasted on :) ahhh! AND SO IT STARTED!

The musical was awesome. My favourite from the cast would be Leigh McDonald who played Rosie, Geraldine Fitzgerald who played Tanya, John Alastair who played Harry Bright, and Gary Watson who played Sky. Personally, I think Jackie Clune wasn't much of a 'Donna' as Meryl Streep was. But her singing was very very good. She sang every song very very well, the only song I wish she could've been more 'crazy' was Mamma Mia, when she finds out all 3 of the men she used to date was on the island. 

Leigh McDonald (Rosie) was awweeesome. She was very very funny, especially in her Dancing Queen and her Take a Chance on Me number. She and Geraldine Fitzgerald really clique well, they were so carefree and very very spontaneous. It was hilarious watching those two on stage. 

John Alastair (Harry) did an awesome job as well. On stage, he even looks a little like Colin Firth. Michael Beckley (Bill) ... I liked his number with Leigh McDonald (Rosie) - Take a Chance on Me. 

Miria Parvin who plays Sophie Sheridan has a strong voice. 

And just like what Isaac and Millie says, yes ... Gary Watson (Sky) does look like Tag from F.R.I.E.N.D.S. When the cast did their curtain call, my eyes were glued on him. When the cast sang Mamma Mia as the finale, my eyes were still glues onto him. And when the cast gave us a last song, Waterloo, my eyes were still still glued onto him .. :) BOY can he dance.

When the cast sang their last two songs, everyone in the audience stood up, clapped along to the music, sang along and had a good time. :) Was amazing. 

I think the movie was a tad bit better. But I really really really enjoyed the musical as well. I was hoping for a cast autograph session after the musical, but there weren't any. But we did see the cast and dancers walking out of Istana Budaya :)