December 8, 2008

Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Adha

We went to nenek's this morning, we were a little late so everyone had already left. Heh. Nenek asked us about Bei Jing, and she shared with us her experience there. She got to try China peaches and visit pandas, we didn't, I guess it wasn't the right season maybe. 

Piano lesson was so and so. Further learned the Hungarian piece, which actually I'm starting to love. Hahah, to be honest, I practice River Flows In Your (Bella's Lullaby) - by Yiruma more than I do the pieces Miss Fan assigns as homework. 

For weeks I've wanted to try the Raspberry Mousse cake from Cake Sense, but never got around to buying a slice. Today I figured I'll wait no more, I walked into the bakery to get that slice of cake.

When I walked in, right in front of me, well all the way on the other end of the bakery was Alex (from ballroom class). I was as shocked to see him as he was to see me. I never see Alex, or anyone in ballroom class except in ballroom class. 

Alex : Why are you wearing baju kurung?
Mae : It's Hari Raya Haji.
Alex : ... You're Malay?
Mae : (lol) Yeah, I'm Muslim.

lol, yeah I get that a lot.  The cake was nice. But my favourite favourite favourite cake would be the strawberry cheese cake in Bangi.