December 18, 2008

Too. Many. Board. Gaaaammees.

Can't recall what I've been doing for the past few days. Although Mandarin tuition, sleeping, and loads of board games with Jean, I can remember. 

One of our nothing-to-do-so-we'll-play-some-board-games nights, Jean and I had a game of LOTR Monopoly, a game of Hogwarts Hallways, and three games of The Game of Life. Unless I didn't fully understand the rules of The Game of Life, that has to be one of the most boring board games ever :( To everyone who likes The Game of Life, my apologies. Someone needs to teach me the game ... the proper way of playing the game. 

Last night, we (Sean, Jean and I) had another board game night. We played The Game of Life, Jean insisted on playing. Sean and I played Taboo afterwards, :) hahah, hectic game. Taboo would be fun with a whole bunch of friends on a sleepover. Later, we had three games of Cluedo and Scrabble! At first, Sean and I were really enthusiastic about Scrabble. lol, should've seen us near the end of the game, we were lying down on the floor ... zoned out ... it was like, we were so  bored out of our minds, but we just wanted to finish the game.

I HAVE ANOTHER THING TO BE ADDED ON MY WISH LIST ... my very very very loooong wish list. 

Mystery at Hogwarts. It's a board game .... hahah after nights of board games, I would've thought I'd get tired of board games. Apparently not! :) I remember during one of our annual trips up to Penang for Chinese New Year many many years back, my cousins got Sean and I playing that board game .. over and over again. I also remember playing 101 Dalmantions on their playstation but nevermind that for now.

I also want a book from It's not a book I usually buy, but it looks interesting. But I don't purchase anything online, kind of scared something'll go wrong. I don't want to go through too much trouble (if anything does go wrong) for just one item.

I guess that makes it two items to be added on my wish list.