December 9, 2008

Lunch, A Movie, And a good talk+laugh :) Good day

I went out with Latifah and Sanuja this afternoon. 

Was having a bad hair day :) My hair puffed up and was a little frizzy at the top so I wore a hat ... had no idea what else to do. Oh and I have got to learn the art of eyeliner from Sanuja. :) 

Had lunch at Italiannies at Curve. We shared a Classic Carbonara and a fancy-named-pizza I think only Lat can remember what's the pizza called. I liked the pizza. Should ask her for the name for the next time I go to Italiannies. We had a nice talk and laughed a lot too :) Today Lat found out a very unexpected blog-follower to her blog :) Hah. That was funny, but too cool at the same time.

We watched a movie - Wild Child. We bought the tickets at 3.23pm and the movie started at 3.25pm :) That would have to be a first time that's ever happened. But it was cool. We missed the movie ad's and commercials which was to Lat's disappointment, the ad's were one of the main reason she actually goes for movies.

Wild Child, in Lat's words "was a complete waste of $8." Which was true in most parts. But for now I'd like to pin point the facts that I do like about the movie. 

Firstly would be the scenery. It was very green, but not the sunny green that sometimes you'd think only existed in fairy tales. Very green, but it had like this wet, grey-ish thing going on as well. 

Second would be whole boarding school thing. It made me, in some way I probably never thought I would feel, that I'd like to have a boarding school experience. I only looked at the down sides, I guess I never looked at the up side of it all. 

Third, I wouldn't want to approach as a stereotype-r so I'll just lay it out. I liked how the girls in the movie weren't all girls-next-door. They were beautiful but in their own natural, raw, way. Not to say I have something against girls-next-door. It was something fresh, different air, from the the other movies.

Sooo, Wild Child, I think is a good watch for the first time. But it isn't a movie I'll watched for the second time unless out numbered by votes during a movie marathon or something like that.