December 4, 2008

Uno mash?

Will you ever turn vegan?

I aim to be one. If only for the lack of discipline and hari raya rendang :(

Who is more important to you? friends/boy/girlfriends
friends i guess

Have you ever thought of getting married?
I wan't to get married. :)

Do you think you have enough confidence?
Heck. No.

How many babies do you want?
Enough to make a soccer team. :P 3 will be enough

What is your goal for this year?
Ironic this question came up, I was just thinking.
 - Less oily food, more vegies
 - Try not to procrastinate things
 - Don't pressure myself about the future (oh I despise the word), but work at my pace :)
Let's hope I can stick to it

(own question) i'll borrow Lat's question. I cant think of one
French and Mandarin. ehem, the Mandarin in China :) There's a slight difference. slight.

In your opinion, what are the characteristics of the perfect boy/girlfriend?
(10 characteristics)
  1. Someone who understands the core-me. :) The inner me
  2. Someone I can sit own and be silent with, no awkwardness
  3. Someone I can say what I wanna say and not be judged
  4. Someone who voices in his opinions, even if it means they're against mine.
  5. Someone who knows when I need The Boyfriend, when I need The Best Friend, and when I need the Lecture
  6. Someone I can talk the night through with
  7. Someone who REALLY understands "I need space", and knows when and how to handle the "I need space" phrase within the circumstances.
  8. Someone who make me laugh. But doesn't expect me to be as funny, :\ seriously I'm a terrible joker, it's embarrassing at times.
  9. Someone who'll put up with my whining and picky-ness, but knows to draw the line when I go too far
  10. Someone who can sit at the family table and not think he has to impress everyone. Simply, be himself.
What feeling do you love the most?
Bliss. And the feeling when you know time is your friend, no deadlines, no ugly past-times to haunt you.

What is your bad habit?
I'm picky. 

Is there anything you want to tell people who hate you?
Emm, okay.

Do you cherish every single friendship of yours?
A handful.

What does flying mean to you?
Nothing but birds and airplanes can come after you. a.k.a., 5 minute freedom moment. You'll have to get back down on the ground sooner or later, right?

Who do you love?
Family. Friends. Oprah.

Who do you think is hotter?
Edward Cullen or Jacob Black?
Edward Cullen

Describe the person who tagged you in 7 words
Latifah: That's a lass you don't meet everyday

What would you really like to do right now?
Hop on a plane, go back to BeiJing. I feel like there was more experience, there.

What will you become in the next 10 years?
Hopefully a 25 year old with a hopelessly-devoted-to-her, successful man, and a career that is on it's way to the peak of Mt. Everest. 

How to find the right partner?
you asked the wrong person, buddy.

What are you wishing for right NOW?
Theres so many I can't keep track.