November 29, 2008

A Drop of Blood, Saves a Life :)

Maryam and I reached OU's new wing at 8.55am. Xiu Jong (St John Sri Aman Division Chairperson) and Margaret Tan gave us directions to where they were, which was the 2nd floor of the rainforest just outside Paddington Pancake House (well I think that was it). But Maryam and I, being complete blur cases went outside and walked all the way to the main road between old wing and the new wing -.-

We found them, eventually. All of us then went with Corporal Kwang Yong Wei to the loading bay to get the floor mat (and its huuuuge) and some other stuff needed for the blood donation. Corporal Kwang Yong Wei was my group leader in last year's NCO camp. NCO camp is where you can train and take exams to move a rank higher. 

If I'm not mistaken, it was during last years NCO when Corporal Kwang was going for the Corporal rank, he was Lance Corporal back then. I was going for the Cadet Leader rank, but didn't succeed in doing so :( I didn't qualify to go for the camp this year as I wasn't active in St John.

The loading bay didn't smell pleasant, and just cos I covered my nose (in attempt to not pick up the smell, lol yeah sure that worked), Xiu Jong started to tell Natashyia, Maryam and Margaret how during camp I was such a baby, couldn't stand getting my hands dirty. Pfft :P I was a tough cookie during camp. Natashyia and I got lost going back to the rainforest from the loading bay. :\ Unlucky for us Natashyia was carrying a huge floor mat and I had a carton of bottles of water. And it, was, heavy

:) If you've been to the rainforest, you'd see these little wooden huts, I suppose placed as a sitting area for shoppers. Yeah, it took all the st john members and 2 officers to lift the thing up. We had to move all three huts to a corner for space to prep the area for the donation. And I'm telling you, despite the man power, the hut was still very very very heavy to lift up. I stepped on Maryam's shoe quite a lot :) lol we were walking in very tiny but quick baby steps and I couldn't keep up.

After we've placed the mats we had to tape them down. :\ Silly me I volunteered myself to get on the floor and tape the mats. Dah lah my uniform made me look like a mushroom, now I'm risking tearing my uniform.  

I found out today that Margaret had just took her A Levels examination. :) You have no idea how relieved I felt now that I know someone that has the A Levels experience. She shared with me a little of what she knew about colleges and A Levels. I think if she told me everything we knew I would've been too blurred out by the end. I know now where I can get the O Levels and A Levels text books, thanks to her. Hoorah.

The blood drive went fine. Natashyia and I were assigned the organ donor registration table but later was assigned to distribute fliers. Distributing fliers is not an easy thing to do, believe me. Everytime you approach someone, you'll have to prep yourself for the reaction they give you. Personally I didn't like how a few people 'politely' declined a flier. I know, it may disturb your day out but a polite and courteous 'no thank you' would do. 

It's not like we're promoting perfume (although I have nothing against people promoting perfume (: In fact I like walking by perfume promotions, smells nice) or any other products you might or might not purchase. A blood donation is going on only a few meters away, you could save a persons life just by registering and wait for about 5 minutes in a chair. The needle part might be a little scary, but it's for a good cause.

We, distributing the fliers, might be a disturbance to your outing but all I care is that we're doing someone else out there, someone in need of blood, a favor. :) So smirk if you want, as long as it's for a good cause, I'd stand in a mall all day long just to promote an ongoing blood donation.

But ofcourse there were other people who politely declined, I'm not saying everyone in the mall reacted rudely (if the word rude isn't too dramatic). Most of them smiled and accepted, some smiled and declined. :) One man in particular actually came up to use and asked for a flier, haha you have no idea how it made us feel so relieved. It's times like this when you understand how the smallest gesture could lighten up someone's day. Even a smile.

After the blood donation, XiuJong, Margaret, Natashyia, Maryam, Sir Hao (a St John officer) and myself were walking in the mall and when we were at the escalator moving from G to LG was where we were going to part ways. Margaret, Xiu Jong and Sir Hao one way, and Natashyia, Maryam and myself another.  We said our goodbyes and Sir Hao reminded us to change into something other than our st john uniform if we were going to stay on longer.

We (Maryam, Nat, and I) went down the escalator while the others made their way to the other side of the oval. lol, when we got off the escalator we realized we were on the wrong floor so we went up the escalator again. Making our way to the other side of the oval we saw Margaret, XJ and Sir Hao walking towards us. XP lol they were walking the wrong way as well. When I looked back they were going down the escalator. 

Talk about a swap of direction. 

Maryam and I went to MPH for a little bit. She had to go home soon after she bought a book she wanted, leaving me at the General History section in MPH :) I bought myself a California Temayaki (is that right?) and pretzels for my siblings. 

Visited our grandma in Kg Subang on our way home, who told me I absolutely had to try the peaches in BeiJing. She says they're amazing. :) lol she asked me to bring home some for her. lol that good, huh, nek? 

My flight leaves at 8am tomorrow morning so I'll have to leave home by 4.30am. I'm excited. I'm very excited :D

November 28, 2008

St John duty

Yet, another early hour wake achieved! Hoorah! I woke up at 7am and decided I had a little time before I get ready for the St John duty at OU this morning. 

Maryam Azraa and I will be at OU helping out with a blood donation drive there. At first I was a little hesitant including my name into the list of St Johns going, seeing as I'll have to wake up early the day after I'll have to make sure everything is packed an ready to go by tonight. Plus I have to sleep really early, not doing so and I'll miss the flight for sure. 

Going for the duty might tire me, but it's for a good cause, kaan? lol. Everything I need is packed already anyway.

Oh, and I definitely will not be able to attend next week's ballroom class. The departure flight from BeiJing is at 4pm, means we'll reach home at around 11pm. Soo .. doing the math, yeah, I'll be 7 hours late for ballroom. lol. (: So much for an early flight.

Ahh, it's ok. There's always the week after.

Take a Step

I just got back from ballroom. *sigh* waiting a week was worth while :) I absolutely enjoyed myself on the dance floor.

There are alternations and new steps to our Rhumba dance. I still have a lot to work out on, especially for the new steps. Honestly I wouldn't mind dancing the whole day :) Exception of atleast 8 hours of sleep, please.

When Sean and I entered the place, Johnston and his parter, Natalie (I think her name is Natalie, I apologize if I am mistaken) were dancing the ChaCha and another dance I couldn't recognize, although I thought it was the Rhumba. Boy can they dance. Natalie was so 'strong', you know, not flimsy, sooo ... firm on the ground yet lifted up. Don't even get me started on Johnston, he has skills yo :). They were amazing.

We did the Rhumba most of the time. I partnered Alex again. Whenever it comes to partnering, I'd get really nervous and guilty cos I mess up often XP He was so nice, he would mention the next step a beat before, which helped me. :) I know the steps, but when the music comes on all of a sudden butterflies so huge fly around in my stomach, I forget the choreography. :) But still, the time there was really really fun.

Note. (incase I forget and this is for Siti as well)
Next weeks class isn't on Friday, it's on Thursday (4th Dec) instead. Four o'clock till five thirty, I suggest you reach there at about three thirty to work out the new rhumba steps with crystal (wei chee) or Maybelle. :) They know their steps well. And next week we have Waltz as well as Cha cha and rhumba. Reason why the post-pone is cos the teachers will be going to Sabah for a competition (or was a performance, didn't quite catch that part). 

What else ...

Oh yeah.

4th December is when we'll be coming back from BeiJing :'( so we might not make it in time for ballroom class. ahhh. Hopefully we reach home before 3pm and from the airport straight to ballroom. Hahah yeah right, I'd be too tired from the flight and all the rush. :\ But if we reach home in the morning (which I doubt we will), we'd be able to make it in time. 

Plus, they'll go through all the dances and we'll be starting a new dance next week. oh grr. Let's hope for a miracle - which would be, an early flight home :)

November 27, 2008

Ever procrastinate waking up?

I slept pretty early the night before. I think around 11pm? Usually I'd collapse on the sofa, if I'm lucky I'd make in upstairs and onto the bed, around two or three in the morning. 

When I woke up I just laid in bed. Ballroom was today and since I didn't have any plans before that I'd figure I'll just rest. :) Trust me, I laid in bed for so long I think about an hour and a half had gone by. I'm so 

So I woke up eaaarly! Well, if you say 9.30am is early, then YEAH! I woke up early. I had my breakfast while I watched Ellen DeGeneres. There's never telling what's gonna happen on her show, they organize the most never thought before things and always, always the show cracks me up.

Zac Efron was one of their few star guests for this episode. They had one of the audience to play true or false when given a few trivia's about Zac. The game was called  'Zac or Smack'. Hah, Zac Efron has a poster (or as he says more like a torn page from a magazine) of Tyra Banks on his bedroom wall. Also, once he accidently snipped off his eyebrow. He wouldn't say how it all got it but he did say the day after, he had to accept on award with one eyebrow :) Later on in the show, they had little kids in Halloween costumes come out one by one. 

Kid#1 came out with a huge boulder looking thing on him. 
Ellen: Hi! What's your name?
Kid#1: Jack
Ellen: Hi Jack and what are you?
Kid#1: I'm ... Kid Rock.

Kid#2 came out with little rocks all over her clothes
Ellen: Hi what's your name?
Kid#2: My name is Lily
Ellen: Hi Lily what are you?
Kid#2: I'm 30 Rock

Kid#3 came out with 2 irons in his hands
Ellen: Hi what's your name?
Kid#3: Andrew
Ellen: Hi Andrew and who are you?
Kid#3: Iron maaaaan!

There were more costumes but I can't remember them. 

Ahh! :D Ugly Betty is on. 

Oh yes. I found this couple, Franco Formica and his partner, Oxana, dancing the rhumba. See what Franco does when his path is blocked by another couple :) 

Click here for the video of Franco and Oxana.

Playlist - yay!

:) Finally, I've figured how to get my playlist onto my blog page. 

Okaay. Thats it. 

Oh, and ballroom class tomorrow! A week waiting and it's finally here - again. 

Oh oh, am still swept off my feet by Edward Cullen (lol, kudos to Robert Pattinson)

Twilight - 11.30am

Yes :) Mid Valley . Twilight the movie. 

Sean and I left home for Taman Paramount and took the LRT to Asia Jaya. I wanted to take the LRT to Bangsar and from there take the shuttle bus straight to Mid Valley. But noooo, Sean insisted on going to Asia Jaya and from there walk a little to a bus stop near his school. He says the bus will take us to Mid Valley. 

Guess what. A little walk ended up the distance from Taman Paramount to my house multiplied by four. I was singing songs from Mamma Mia and sort of whining the whole time we were walking. :\ But we got to Mid Valley, and I think (I hope!) I stopped singing / whining by then.

Met up with Qis, Siti, Hakim and Siti's mom at the cinema. We went to McD's for a little breakfast, but I already had my breakfast at home so I didn't order anything :) Besides, the excitement of Twilight only 25 minutes away made it almost impossible for me to even imagine eating anything. lol okay maybe I exaggerated that bit a tad too much. But I was very very excited. Siti's mom and Hakim went home after their breakfast, we (Qis, Siti, Sean and me) were left about 15 minutes before the movie started (11.30am)

We went to Momoe just to look around. I don't walk into that store often, I never realized they had nice sneakers there. Their bags and their shawls (are they called that?) weren't bad either. What am I saying, I liked the stuff there. The store drowned our sense of timing and by the time we finished scanning, oooh-ing, and oh-I-like-this-ing the whole shop, it was 5 minutes to Twilight. Damn, at that moment it felt like a silent countdown inside of me, just waiting to see The Cullens and Bella Swan on the big screen. 

We took our time walking to the cinema. :) Cinema Hall 11 was right in front of us, walking into the hall I couldn't hold back some silent squeals and practically skipped to our seats. 

Movie advertisements has never felt so draggy, ever. Siti and I laughed at a few adverts but still inside I was all :"My gosh hurry hurry hurry it up already". Then the little footage of the buff security guard warning to not use any recording gadgets and to silent their handphones was on the screen. AHH I was so excited I think the woman 2 seats away from me could sense the excitement. 

Then there it was :) The first footage - of a deer (i think it was a deer). I was a little confused cos I don't remember reading anything about a deer in the book, although maybe I've forgotten about the deer, I dunno. And then Kristen Stewart appeared on the big screen and inside I screamed :"IT'S BELLA!". The novel character I've envied and admired was right in front of me - ehhh, sort of.

(maybe this post is starting to get a little over dramatic)

Anyway. I must admit the casting was close to perfect with the characters in the book. At first I preferred Emily Browning as Bella but after watching the movie I can't think of anyone better to play Bella than Kristen. She did awesome, wasn't the typical pretty girl next door but she was beautiful in her own way. In the Bella way :) hahah

And Edward Cullen. At first I thought, it would be impossible to find someone as purrrfect as how Edward was described in the book. I wouldn't say Edward Cullen is perfect, I think more like as gorgeous, not just the facial features but the aura. It's so true and I quote (i hope i get this right) :"Everything about me reels you in. My voice, my looks, my smell." Everything about Edward was so ... attractive in the 'i dont know why but i just wanna go there' way. And Robert Pattinson grasped Edward's aura very well. Once again, I can't think of any other actor to play Edward Cullen.

Charlie and Bella's house in Forks was exactly how I imagined it. The stairs, the kitchen, her room. Even the outsides of the house was so similar to what I imagined when I read the book. The whole Cullen family fit my imaginations (and I'm sure millions of other Twilight fans) perfectly. I imagined Charlie to be a little older but I guess Charlie in the movie was okay. He was funny. James, Laurent and Victoria were also very much like how the characters were described in the book. All in all, casting was amazing.

During the first cafeteria scene, when we see the Cullens walking outside making their way into the cafeteria, a 'whoaaa' came from the audience in the cinema. 

But the best scene, at least the best scene for me, was when the Cullens were playing baseball. I loved every scene after that scene. Words can't describe the feeling. I loved the movie. I can't wait for New Moon to hit the big screen :)

I think half an hour after the movie I was still smiling when I thought of Edward. 

November 26, 2008

Inka's tag

Single or Taken: Single.
Siblings: One male monkey. One female monkey.
Eye Color: Black
Shoe Size: Six or a Seven.
Height: 155cm I think. 
What are you wearing right now: White top and (HOT :P) Pink T. Hilfiger (cheh cheh:P) corduroys 

Kind of pants: Yoga pants
Number: Uno, Due, Tre, Quattro, CINQUE, Sei, Sette, Otto, Nove, Dieci
Animal: Dogs, Horses and Birman/Persian Cats
Drink (non-alcoholic): Iced Lemon Tea && Soya
Droml (alcoholic): Not of age. :) 
Sport: Baseball, Dancesport (or any dance), Rugby (strictly ONLY to watch), Putting (is that a sport?)
Month: May ( try and guess why XP ) and December (it's our jolly holiday)
Juice: Orange/Apple with Aloe Vera
Favourite cartoon/anime character: The saber-toothed squirell, Scrat (I looked up it's species, lol) in Ice Age.

Have you Ever
Given anyone a bath: My little sister, Jean when she was little
Bungee Jumped?: I'd (I think) like to try
Made yourself throw up?: Oh no no no.
Gone skinny dipping: Mh, no. Dont plan in trying anytime soon.
Eaten a dog: NO. i hear there are such things in Hong Kong and the Philippines. :(
Loved someone so much it made you cry?: No .. lol.
Broken a bone: Nope :X
Played truth or dare: Yeah. But I admit I still get a little chicken when I'm given a dare
Been on a plane?: Yeap.
Came close to dying: I ... dont think so? I had dengue once but I dont know how bad it was
Been in a sauna: Yes :) ahhh
Been in a hot tub: Yes. 
Fallen asleep in school: :) yes. About a ka-zillion times and the count will continue next year I'm sure
Broken someone's heart?: Dunno. Never told me flat out what he felt at the time. But we're okay friends so it's historay
Cried when someone died?: Yes.
Cried in school: hahah. Looking back there it really wasn't a reason crying for. 
Fell off your chair?: Was set up by a std6 classmate. Ehem LOW JIT SHANE >:) Coincidentally, he lives in the same neighbourhood as Aunty Farah.
Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call: I knew they were going to call O.o they told me. But no not all night, eventually I think I would've gone to sleep if they didn't call :P
Saved IM conversations: No
Saved e-mails: Hee :) Guilty
Used someone?: None of which I can remember vividly why or when but I think I have. :( Not proud of it
Been cheated on?: lol there werent anyone there to cheat on me -.- lol

What is ...
Your good luck charm: My mind (heh), My four clover leaf (gelled into a pendant) necklace, and the ring my mom gave me
New Favourite song(s): Thats What you Get by Paramore, CrushCrushCrush by Paramore,Pressure by Paramore, and every song on the Mamma Mia! soundtrack
What is beside you?: My pencil case, h20(s), my list of must watch movies, seans phone and and AirGear VCD (must be Seans), and Sean's Skulduggery Pleasant book, and the iMac'swolfer
last thing you ate?: Mom's noodles
What kind of shampoo/conditioner: Sunsilk black shampoo, Feather black conditioner. But I prefer the Feather black conditioner.

Ever Had ...
Chicken Pox: No, not yet
Sore Throat: Yes, about a million times
Stitches: No
Broken nose: No. Hopefully never ):

Do you
Believe in love at first sight: Yes , i do i do i do i do i do XP lol
Like school: I ... do. But not the syllabus, no no. But I'll bear with it
Who was the last person that called you?: Trishi, I think. Or was it Maryam A.
Who was the last person you slow danced with: Alex from ballroom class :) He's a pro
Who makes you smile the most: I'd say my family (excluding the brother, he either makes me laugh too hard or make me wanna hit him on the arm :P)
Who knows you the best?: My mom
Do you like filling these out: Surprisingly, yes. At first I was terrified of the many questions in this survey
Do you have glasses or contact lenses: Both. Although I much prefer the contacts
Do you like yourself: I am comfortable with who I am :)
Do you get along with your family: Yes, i do.

Are you ...
Obsessive Compulsive: In certain aspects, yes.

Final Questions
What did you do yesterday: Absolutely nothing :) and watch Mamma Mia
What car/truck do you wish to have: Maybe a beetle car? They look cute :)
Where do you want to get married?: Somewhere raw and nature-ey. Greece. I love the wedding scene in Mamma Mia the movie
Good driver?: We'll se in 2 years time
Have a lava lamp: yes :) 
How many remote controls are in your house?: I'll try counting. 12 i think. lol maybe more, I'm not sure
When you last showered?: Before dinner
Scary or Funny Movies: Comedy. I wont put myself through the post-feeling of a scary movie ever again. I dont like it. I just dont. :(
Chocolate or Vanilla: Vanilla
Rootbeer or Dr. Pepper: I've never tried a Dr. Pepper.
Skiing or boarding: Skiing, definitely.
Summer or winter: Spring? :( okay, umm ... summer.
Silver or Gold?: Silver
Diamond or pearl: Diamonds  ..... are a girls best frieeeend :)
Sprite or 7up: The taste exactly the same to me :\
Coffee or sweet tea: Sweet tea
Phone or in person: In person. :) But sometimes being on the phone is less .. 'scary'. I can't converse with people very well :(
Are you the oldest, middle or youngest?: I am the oldest :)

Today did you ...
Talk to someone you like: Yeah. the family :)
Buy something: McFlurry Oreo
Get sick?: Nope. But I wasn't feeling well
Talked to an ex?: No
Miss someone: More like a whole table from recess in school, a whole bunch of people fromDTB and a handful I havent seen since childhood

Last person who ...
Slept in your bed?: Auntie Grace and Cherrie Kee (cousin). I haven't slept in my room since their visit cos I've been 'spring cleaning' my room ever since after their visit
Saw/Heard you cry?: Mom, Sean and jean
Went to the movie with?: Jean
Ever been in a fight with your pet?: YES :) lol. My chickens wouldn't let me shower them in scented powder. I was seven I think.
Been to Mexico?: No. But I want to
Been to Canada?: No. Again, I want to
Been to Europe?: Again no. I REALLY want to

Random ...
Do you have a crush on someone right now?: There's a whole list. Refer to an older post :) You wont miss the 10 pictures
What book are you reading now?: Change of Heart by Jodi Picoult
Best feeling in the world: Total bliss
Future KIDS names?: :D Eddie Cahill Jr., Audrey-Ann Cahill, Bethany-Ann Cahill,Qu-Shantal Cahill. :) Well thats if I get married to Eddie Cahill. LOL. Honestly (and I'm not just saying this cos I like Marjorie from ANTM), I'd like a daughter named Marjorie. And maybe a boy named Sky. :) I dunno. I'll have to consult my future husband (where are thou XP)
do you sleep with a stuffed animal?: A mountain
Whats under you bed?: Nothing ( i hope O.o)
Favourite sports to watch: Baseballl, Swimming, Golf and Rugby oh oh and soccer, i guess
Favourite locations: (places I've never been) the Machu Picchu village in Peru, Greece
Piercings/Tattoos?: Two piercings :) One on each ear. How innocent :P
What are you most scared of right now?: the dark
Who do you really hate?: No one
Do you have a job?: No
Have you ever liked someone you didn't have a chance with?: A LIST :) refer to previous post
Are you lonely right now?: Noooo. In fact, all these people wont leave me alone :P lol, naah. I love you all
Song thats stuck in your head right now?: The Waltz song (title escapes me) in ballroom class, and the whole soundtrack of Mamma Mia the movie
Have you ever played strip poker?: No. I can't get through Truth or Dare, I dont think I'll ever be ready for strip poker
Have you ever been beaten up?: No
Have you ever been on radio/TV?: Radio, no. TV, yes a few of times.
Ever liked someone, but thought they never noticed you?: lol, they don't know I exist let alone notice me. :)

What colour is your underwear right now?: light pink
Whats the first things you notice about the opposite sex?: That they're male. ;) Their eyes, I guess.
Your Favourite Food?: Moms cooking
Ever got so drunk you didnt remember the night before?: No. But I know someone who got drunk he couldnt remember parts of the night before
Hair color?: Black
Are you too shy to ask someone out?: I dunno, I think I am when it comes to stuff like that.
Butter, plain or salted popcorn?: Caramel
Dogs or Cats?: Dogs are fun. Cats are simply adorable. Oh dont make me pick :)
Favourite Flower(s)?: White lilies
Have you ever fired a gun?: No. But I'd LOOVE to try. :) I know exactly who I'd want to go through the experience with - Latifah Azlan. A Don Flack moment.
Do you like to travel by plane as opposed to car?: Yes.
How many pillows do you sleep with?: 3 usually. But it doesn't matter, as long as I have a fluffy pillow I'd be fine without a mattress :)

Oh my god that took me almost an hour and a half. 

I tag. Lat, Qis, Yamuna. I know its alot. So you dont have to do it if you dont want to :) 

You didn't just play with fire, you soaked the matches in gasoline

Honestly I can't remember where I heard that but I was laughing so hard the air pressure in my tummy was so obviously lower than the atmosphere's pressure. :( Ahhh I want to remember who said it. 

Anyway, I woke up this morning feeling a lot better than I did last night. Sort of had a breakdown last night, what about surprisingly is a huge blur at the mo. Something to do with improving piano, Mandarin and my BM before I walk in school a fourth former. Mum talked me through the scene, one of the many many reasons I love her.

I woke up a little after the appropriate timing for breakfast. There weren't any bread OR cereal, I wasn't hungry anyway. So I planted myself in front of the tv and watched Mamma Mia! :D hahaha. That makes it the ninth time I've watched the movie? But I fast-forwarded to the scenes/songs I liked - lol which is practically the whole movie. When my mom came home from the morning market she joined me. :D raaar I could tell she couldn't resist the movie.

I couldn't make it to Alia's barbecue this afternoon. My mom couldn't send in time to make it at 2pm and I wasn't feeling well.  We went to Amcorp Mall just before picking Jean and our second cousins up from the day-care-tuition-holiday-camp thing :\ I still have no idea exactly what is it they're going for. 

I made a list (and it's a very long list) of my Must-Watch-Movies. I even jotted down the dates the movies will be on screen so that I wouldn't forget. 

:) Today was .. brighter. Literally, the sun was out despite the slight drizzle. I love it when that happens, which I must state does not come around quite enough. I have to sleep early, so that I don't fall asleep watching Twilight tomorrow :D I can't wait. 

OH! While I was looking for upcoming movies I'd want to catch, I found out Jake T. Austin who plays Max Russo in Wizards of Waverly Place will be appearing in a movie called Hotel for Dogs. Which also stars Emma Roberts. Lat, he's no David Henrie but he is funny :)

Post Script : 
Usually when people ask me which is my favourite band I'd say I've absolutely no idea. Well now I do :D After hours and hours of listening to their songs ...

Paramore lol.

November 24, 2008

24.11.08 Monday

I was watching ANTM before my piano lesson. Their names still arent so familiar, except for Marjarie. This was the episode Tyra coached them into using their signature poses. Marjarie did the hunch back of Notre Dame, and the pictures turned out awesome. 

Their photo shoot theme for this episode was pretty fun. Marjarie really worked her shoot, she's my favourite so far in this cycle. I hope she gets into the top three, I think she has what it takes to be the top 3 running for America's Next Top Model.

Piano was okay. I practiced in the 'drum room' while Miss Fan had a lesson with another student. Didn't bother me cos I got to play with the drum set in between practicing different pieces. I didn't learn new pieces today (thank goodness cos I still have to work on the current pieces). The The Entertainer piece I still find quite tough but a little bit of practice should help. My Favourite would be the Hungarian piece, easiest to execute out of all the pieces I have. lol.

I came home and watched a little bit of TV. After dinner I watched ........ Mamma Mia! - for the eighth time. My mom came into the room and said :"Mamma Mia again?!". But she joined me after her bath, lol. Jean, mom, dad and I watched Flags of our Fathers, a DVD I totally forgotten we had, the movie starred Ryan Phillipe. The movie was okay, although there weren't much dialogue.

One of the 'Must watch before school semester starts' on my list was patriotic movies like The Patriot or FlyBoys. In my opinion Flags of our Fathers didn't measure up to the other two movies. The honor-ness of the soldiers in my opinion weren't as strong as the ones in FlyBoys. But Flags of our Fathers was more about the conscience of the soldiers that went back to the States as 'heroes'. You'll have to watch the movie to get why they didn't want to be called heroes. 

The movie was a little gory, a lot of blood, and body parts were everywhere on the battle fields. Any other movie that had a war scene people would know body parts were everywhere, I know, but in this movie they actually showed it. I guess they were going for what the actual scene in a war would be like, they got it XD. I had a slight crush on Phillipe's character, Doc. :) heh. The song Honestly by Cartel reminds me about Ryan Phillipe, not the lyrics, just the melody of the song. 

Am still craving for another patriotic movie. 

25.11.08 Today
Woke up at 12pm. This is the holiday I was waiting for, waking up at whatever time, watching movies all day long, sitting in front of the computer, my day planner no where near me. :) Ofcourse I wouldn't want to be going on with this kind of holiday for the next one month before school re-opens. I might bore myself to death. 

will continue later. Gina wants to clean the room :\ I have videos buffering on youutubbeee :( What perfect timing.

November 23, 2008

Impatience :)

Sean and I took the LRT to KLCC this morning. The ride got a little creepy when two guys chewing gum (lol, with their mouths open, making annoying 'tshek tshek' sounds) kept staring at Sean and me. There was a really tall white man in the train, the last time I saw a tall dude in the LRT my jaw literally dropped in awe. The white man wasn't as tall  but I was still excited (about his ... height??).

There weren't many people today at rehearsal. Quite a few were a little late, some were absent. Alia and Inka bought huge bottles of 'healthy' juices - 1000ml of 'healthy' juice. Alia even bought a mini tray of fruits from Cold Storage. O.o

Plans to watch Twilight with everyone in dance class wont work out. The movie was supposed to be our twilight moment, inka's after SPM movie and a holiday movie for all of us. But Inka is going off to Kuantan for her job and wont be back in KL until after the 30th of Novemeber. boo. So I guess we'll all watch individually and then watch again all together. I plan to watch with  my family :) I hope they're in for a fantasy movie this month. 

Zara (Kak Sabrina's daughter) is sooooo adorable! She's so keen on walking she made many rounds around the rehearsal studio - with the some help lahh. I showed her Billy Bob (the little key chain on my wallet) and Kiki Bob (the little key chain on my camera). She showed more interest towards the wallet. -.- 

Keith and I have dialogues before the Welcome to the 60's number. The lines are pretty similar to the lines in the movie :) So it's easier to deliver the lines as I have a rough idea of what the mood is like. Although I'm still not so sure about my movements during the number. I'm not much of an improv person.  (:

After rehearsal, Aizat, Sean and myself went to A&W for a little snack before we went home. The boys 'helped' me finish my curly fries :\  . lol, I didn't feel like having any curly fries anyway. But I had a float! :D I've been wanting a float since last weeks rehearsal and I finally got one :D yayy.

We were still hungry so we went to Auntie Annes and we each bought a pretzel. There wasn't much of a crowd at the LRT ticket counter. It was already 8pm so I guess everyone's gone home. 

At one stop, the boys went out of the LRT train, waited, and walked in again. I finished the lemonade from auntie annes on the train (I know we aren't allowed to eat or drink on the train but I took little sips and suddenly the drink was finished), so I wanted to throw the container away. So when the doors open at a stop, I ran out, threw the container and ran back in. lol, I was pretty hesitant to do it, the boys thought I was weak, lol, but I was just afraid while I run back in, I'd drop something and have to stop to pick it up, and suddenly the LRT doors shut.

Luckily that didn't happen. 

At the taman paramount station, I bought the December issue of Seventeen to read while we waited for mummy to pick us up. I found a page with the lyrics to the song 'Twelve Days of Christmas'. Aizat and I were singing and singing from day one till mummy came. We only made it up to day 9, but I continued in the car, :) by myself quietly. 

We went to Kayu cos Jean said she was hungry. In the end she didn't order anything but an iced milo. I had ice kacang (braaain freeze) and I panicked cos everyone was almost done with their food and I forgot I had a cincau (with LOOOOTS of ice) waiting right in front of me. But I managed to gulp it all down :)

After Aizat went home, I watched Mamma Mia! with my parents. I watched up till the song Does Your Mother Know. Now I'm watching Enchanted on Star Movies. I have nothing but my piano lesson tomorrow. So I guess I'll have to start packing then, huh? :D

I know I've been repeating this over and over again, it must start to get pretty annoying. 

I can't wait for ballroom class next week :( Ohh Friday, why won't you come sooner. I feel like a little kid on a week before her birthday, waiting. 

Latifah Azlan :) I'm excited for your CD as well :) And your German classes. I'm sure you can't wait for your next class either, eh?

November 22, 2008

Sweet dreams.

You know how sometimes you wake up in the morning, knowing the night before you had a dream but you just can't seem to recall what the dream was about? Deep down inside you know there were sweet details about the dream you wish you remembered. You know somewhere at the back of your head you remember, but coming right out and remembering seems almost impossible?

:P lol, funny how that only happens when I have good dreams. I had a bad dream last night and it's still creeping me out a little bit. 

I can't remember much but I remember the last bit. 

I was being chased by a mad man. He was bald, had a white grey-ish outfit on. It looked something like jail clothes only without the stripes. He kept saying :"I want you to let me see.". He wasn't yelling, he was just saying it but somehow his words echoed under the night sky. 

He never told me what he wanted me to let him see. But in my head I knew it was my phone. In the dream, somehow if another person had contact with your phone, they'd immediately see all your past memories. I don't know wheeeere my dreams got that idea, but that was the idea. 

I wasn't running alone. I knew someone else was running although I that person wasn't in sight. I don't remember who was she, but as a third person in my dream (i dont know about you, but in my dreams, I'm always the third person looking down), I remember thinking I'd never expect that person to be someone I'd be running for my life with (if the mad man was even after my life -.-).

I was running my heart out. The man had trouble walking let alone run, I think he had a limp. But every corner I turn it seemed like I didn't manage to get even a little bit further from him. He would always catch up and that freaked me out. I turned the next corner and BOOM. He was right in front of me.

It was then when I woke up. I hugged my pillow but I kept thinking he was still nearby - in reality. *shuddder*. I don't ever want to dream about him. I haven't had a bad dream (at least the ones I remembered) since quite a long time ago and this one would be the worst I've had so far. 

I still remember the route I ran. It was in SS2.

Oh well. Off to rehearsal! :D

Tagged by Lat

I was tagged quite a while back and never came around doing it cos I thought saving the picture from the web and upload it on Photobucket just to get the direct URL and then put it in blogger was a lot of work. But I just found out I could use the url of the actual picture website and skip the whole photobucket thing. :\ 

So here it goes ...

01. Compose a list of your top ten sexiest famous men.
02. Collect one picture of each guy on your list.
03. Post them in your journal.
04. Tag 15 people to do the same

Eddie Cahill of CSI : NY

Steven Strait of the Covenant

James Marsden of Enchanted

David Archuleta

Nick Jonas

Rove McManus (he's married :\)

Will Smith (He's married too :\)

James Franco of FlyBoys

Hugh Laurie of House

Matthew Perry of FRIENDS

Milo Ventimiglia of Heroes

I have eleven here on my list. :) 

I tag     Inka J, Qis S, Anis N, Siti A, Millie O (I get your Millie-O nick name now!!), Krystle K, Alia A, Megan C, Yamuna P

You know what bothers me?


Yesh. I'm watching The Holiday right now and I can't enjoy the movie cos I have le hiccups. It's halfway through the movie, where Iris confronts Jasper. lol, I was watching Enchanted - again just now. I have got to get myself at least one of the few movies I've been wanting to watch before I watch Mamma Mia! again for the fifth time - or was it the sixth. 

The gym was a little crowded in the morning. It's a Saturday, so I guess I had it coming. But the crowd subsided by 9am so the treadmill was free for me to use by then. Hoorah. After I got home, I slept till about 1pm.  XP

Watched the first disc of Enchanted and I didn't realize it was time for Jean's ballroom lesson when part 1 of enchanted ended. I had to accompany her. I didn't regret going, didn't feel bored at all. I enjoy ballroom let it be actually dancing or just watching. I guess packing a book, my iPod, day planner and my book list was a complete waste of time and energy as I ended up watching the kids dance and not take out any of the things from my bag. :\

Sean and myself walked Jean to Ellie Zhoe studio for her ballet lesson, which was right across the road. I started reading the Picoult book I bought while I waited for Jean and I'm in love with it. I never read the prologues of books but I read this one. 

Got home and watched Enchanted from the beginning - again. So here I am. Just finished the Enchanted movie and now watching The Holiday.

Tomorrow is a full day of rehearsal. After that I must get everything I need for beijing. gaah I'm so excited. 

November 21, 2008

Rhumbba :)

I went to the gym today, after missing two days my stamina weakened (is that the right word?) :( Boo. Mummy says they're gonna close the gym for renovation next week. Meaning if they're going to store the gym equipments until after the renovation, then I have no where to work out for as long as the renovation goes on. Hopefully they'll move the stuff to the multipurpose hall. Please oh please :)

Siti came with us to ballroom class today. This was her first class and I must say she can pick up the moves. Pffft, come on, we're talking about Siti here. Dancing comes to naturally to her sometimes you just wonder where does she get it all. I think Siti can rock the latin dance floor by the time she starts her advance syllabus. 

I brought the latin dance shoes my mom bought in Pinang quite a while back, just to get used to the heels. Sean got his latin shoes today as well. Did you know the male latin shoes are almost double the price of ladies' latin shoes?! :\ wow. 

We revised the Waltz today. I wasn't as confused as I was weeks before :) Practice do help. Siti will pick up the steps soon, so don't worry, Siti. After Waltz we revised the ChaCah for a little bit and then moved on to learn a new dance - the Rhumba. Ahhh :)

Oh, and I just found out today that our Latin dance instructor isn't 'Velmon' but 'Belmon'. I'm still not so sure about the spelling, though. Oh I love the Rhumba, I think a little more than the ChaCha. I like the whole 'pull' feeling in Rhumba but I love the sharp turns and the 'boom!' in ChaCha. Waltz is a little difficult+tiring+aching but I still love it with all the 'on-toes' and turning. 

We had to walk home as my mom had a meeting in KL. Surprisingly the walk wasn't as far as I thought it was. Siti and I sang the songs in Mamma Mia! many many times. We got on a cab in front of Taman SEA school and from there head home. :)

I watched the Covenant when I got home :) AHHHHHH STEVEN STRAIT!!!! I had a little somethin' somethin' for Mr. Strait since the second time I watched Sky High. love love love. 

Am watching Desperate Housewives right now :) Tootleloo!

November 20, 2008

French manicure XP ahh

Mummy, Sean and I had Hoagies for lunch. Mmmm. :) 

Went to MPH straight after to look for the A Level text books while mummy went with her friends to watch Madagascar 2. I got a little distracted by the 'General History' section. There were tons of books on WWII, 9/11, the Cold war, The Vietnamese war. There are a few of the books I want :), one of them including true stories that happened during the cold war. The total cost would sum up to more than RM400 :( Boo. I'm a little short (lol little, VERY MUCH) on cash. Maybe I could get them as a New Years prezzie? :) Hah, I dunno.

I took about half an hour reading the descriptions of the books in the General History section. :\ Are they even called descriptions? I couldn't find the random section Lat, Nik and myself sat at while we were waiting to head to the cinemas to watch Wall-E :)

I saw Toofie and Lydiya Razan. They just had their class party :) Which reminds me, our class hasn't gone through with our party. Everyones off for their holidays it's gonna be a headache trying to contact everyone in class. I doubt we'll be having one though since 2009 is just around the corner (lol, maybe two), maybe we can donate our class money to charity or something. It's a small amount but it's still something.

Eventually I found the A Level books. But none of which were endorsed by CIE. Atleast I know where to get some of the books. I saw a set of Jodi Picoult books I wanted. Many of my friends say Picoult books are pretty interesting, and I'm tempted to try reading the book. I need something different from the many chick lits I've been reading. 

I wanted ice cream but Baskin Robbins didn't fit my mood. McD's did :) I accidently ordered a sundae when I wanted a McFlurry. Sean agreed to have my mistaken-ice cream and I bought a McFlurry :) nyeeh. Oh, and can anyone tell me the difference between the normal McNuggets and the Golden Bites? Cos they look exactly the same to me. 

I found a pair (well, two actually) of sneakers in F.O.S. I saw the sneakers when Sean, Alfin and I were looking for a sleeping baju in FOS for when Alfin was supposed to sleep over (but didn't in the end). I didn't get to get a good look of the sneakers then so I went back to FOS to get a closer look :) And yes I want them. They're not as comfortable as the sneakers at converse but they're half the price and they look almost the same. So why not?

Sean and I bought a yippee cup each for our walk to Popular. Sadly when we got their, we saw the 'No food allowed' sticker on the entrance of Popular so we sat at the little coin operated merry-go-round and gulped down our yippee cups. 

I bought the std6 Mandarin essay book I wanted. And a Jodi Picoult Change of Heart book that was on 30% discount (heyyy XP). Maybe I'll save the book for the trip to BeiJing or I'll start reading now. Temptation. heh.

Sean and Mummy had tea in the Jusco "food court", the one opposite the grocery shop. I went to Speedy to buy the Enchanted vcd. Waiting for the movie to show on Astro is just too long, plus, now I get to watch whenever I want. >:) I couldn't find the VCD in the shop so I asked for assistance from the guy at the counter.

The guy was flipping the vcds on the rack like a pro (well duh, Mae, he works there, you're bound the have the skill XP). After many racks on the lower part of the 'shelf', he couldn't find it either. lol then I looked on the upper part of the 'shelf' and there it was. A whole STACK of Enchanted VCDs within our reach. The guy saw it too and laughed :) hahah. 

Sean bought another Hoagies :\ that boy loves his Hoagies. Picked up Jean and my moms cousin's daughter (which practically makes her our second cousin, right?) from their holiday package tuition+play time at a center near Puay Chai. 

When we got home, I was beyond excited to watch Enchanted. Oh and do my nails :) I forgot to mention I bought this white nail brush. :) So what does that tell ya? French mani for the try out!! :D So now me, my mom and my sister have french manicures. Not a professionals work but still doable. 

After dinner we all (except daddy whos in Jakarta D': ) watched Mamma Mia!. It was my moms first time watching the movie. I love the scene when Tania was singing "Does Your Mother Know". That was funny. I also loved Honey Honey, Chiquitita and I Do, I Do, I Do, I Do, I Do. :)

:( I watched the finale of Amazing Race Asia. Ahhhhh can't believe so but I want to join. lol my mom and aunt Mazlina were talking about joining, once. :) These bunch of mothers (aunt Mazlina, aunt Rozina, aunt Zuli, and Norli and mom Peggie) are veerrry active and very fun to sit and listen to them have one of their chit chats. 

And I only managed to catch the last 10 minutes of Heroes. boo.

November 19, 2008

Top bookstores in my list :)

From the best.

1. Kinokuniya
Kino has everything! From tons and tons of mangas to A and AS Level text books. I found the CIE endorsed text books on Kinokuniya (online)! Although the huge-ness of the store makes it so difficult (not to mention confusing) to get around. Like Qis says, "Its a maze in there"

2. Popular bookstore
They have more school resources there than my 3rd choice.

3. MPH bookstore
I love how they have a wide variety (I think more than Popular) of books. But I don't find school text books and not much stationary choices either. :) Or maybe I'm just not looking hard enough.

I love the stationary there. If you want stationary, thats where you go. So far I only know one outlet in KL. But if you talk about school resources, text books i mean, Popular has a higher chance of having the book on its shelves.

Movies I want to watch

1. A Walk to Remember

2. PS: I Love You


4. Ice Age 3 (Must have a little cartoon humour, especially the little squirell thingy)

5. Wild Child (A little bit of chiq)

5. Twilight (a little fantasy)

6. Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince ( a must must must )

7. Something like The Patriot or FlyBoys

I'd better get all these movies done before 2009 (excluding Harry Potter)

Shaked off + Flyboys

I survived Mandarin tuition! :D lol I kind of knew I would, Vicky is very very understanding. I told her about me not understanding anything I read, she went through the essay with me and explained anything and everything I didn't understand. 

Tomorrow I'm going to OU. My mom and her friends bought tickets to watch Madagascar 2. I've watched the movie before so I guess I'll be spending the hour and a half in Popular bookstore. Either looking for a simpler essay examples, or looking for the A Level text books. :) I have hiiigh expectations on Popular having the books, so they'd beeeeetter not disappoint me XP

I watched the FlyBoys DVD with Sean before tuition. Once again (just like The Patriot), so much honor in the movie. You'll have to go watch the movie yourself. It's worth watching :) I should make a list of the movies I love. There are just so many I can't keep track of the movie titles. 

James Franco :)

He has "The James Marsden" smile. Very wide. oooh melt.

Mandarin cer-aazzze

My assignments for last weeks Mandarin tuition was to read two essays. Each essay had only five paragraphs. And I'm already struggling myself with the first two sentences. 

Every word I read I have to go through he dictionary for the meaning. It's as if I've never seen Mandarin materials ever. Literally, EVERY word is looked up in EVERY passage in BOTH essays. And still, when I get to the end of the essay, still, STILL I don't understand what I just read.

It's so frustrating when in my mind I know I've been studying this language for nine years and still I am so lost in it. gurr. My mandarin tuition teacher is coming in 15 minutes and I don't know what to tell her about the essays. She's been so understanding with my not doing my homework for the past week due to rehearsals and what not. But I can't wriggle myself outta this one.

I am gonna tell her that I really can't do it. I mean, I know somehow I can, with a little hard work, but the frustration of it all is so overwhelming it drowns my determination to keep on going. I think I'm set (well almost set, I still have some thinking to do) about not taking the Mandarin SPM test. It's too rush and too much pressure. No ones pressuring me to get an A but I have so many things I love doing, and anything we do requires a little bit of pressure to move forward. I guess all the 'little bit of pressure' kind of jumbled together and create a whole chunk of pressure. :(

Or maybe I just need some air and some time. Airs not a problem, time is. lol, sometimes I get so angry at the clock. In my mind I'm mentally yelling at the face of the clock for moving its hand too fast. Sometimes I feel like a day needs more than 24 hours cos 3/4 of a day is 'dedicated' to work work work for our future. Sometimes I ask, why can't I just plan for the next few hours before tomorrow comes, instead of plan for the next few years before I have to stand on my own. Better yet, why do I even NEED to plan. It's tiring to plan, let alone execute your plans. 

So dont plan. :\ yeah right. correct me if you have your opinions (i'd love to hear 'em :D). In todays world, if you don't have a plan, if you dont have a strategy, if you don't run fast enough, you'll get left behind. And I dont mean left behind in todays fashion or technology, and I wouldn't mind being left behind if only for the fact that nowadays, whoever moves fast affects the people who want to take it slow. Whoever moves slow, the people moving fast will be effected as well. One thing is the pressure, another is that you HAVE to. I wont even bother elaborating. In this time era, everyone is 'FORCED' to move fast.

Or maybe I'm being a drama queen with the whole pressure/moving fast thing. That I have to work out, look at the situation clearly and thoroughly. But what I do know is that I need a breather. But still, I looove what I'm given the opportunity to learn/do. I just dont have noo staminaaa (lol, if thats one way to put it). 

Teacher was supposed to be here 3 minutes ago. :( Sometimes (not EVERY time XP)  I watch my phone and see if she's gonna cancel class. Not cos I don't like her (in fact I love her as a teacher, shes awesome) or the class, but because I want a little detour from all the plans once in a while. Thats how I get a breather sometimes, when plans dont go through. But still doesnt erase that I DID have to plan before the plan was cancelled. 

November 18, 2008

Campus ASTRO performance at KL Hilton

I woke up at 7.30am although I promised myself 6am so that I'd have more time to get ready before hitting KL Hilton for the performance. 

Daddy, myself and uncle Aziz had to make a short stop at the Ssang Yong centre. The Stavic needs some pampering. Things dragged on and in the end I was half an hour late at KL Hilton. Luckily they haven't started rehearsing. But I don't think I'll be trying out showing up late anytime ever. 

:) We  had a make-up craze  in the 6th floor ladies room. Our answers were prayed when an expert make-up-er came in and helped us with the blusher and eye shadow. 

The performance was ok. The food was yummmy. Ask Siti, Qissie, and Alesia. We were (trying) to eat with poise and class (lol, we were just joking around). OHMEEGOSH. Their beef was yum, rice was yum, strawberry dessert thingy was yum, cheesecake was yum, fruits were yum, duck was yum, everything was just yum yum yum. 

We explored their 'exhibition' for a little while. One that I found really exciting was the booth which the lady made little mini lightnings. That was cool. lol, when we went in the little booth, it was pitch black. You couldnt even see your own hands. 

Lady: "Ok. Can you guys see anything?"

Tariq, Alfin, Alan and myself :" uhhhh..."

Later, Siti, Qis, Aizat, Alan, Alfin and Tariq came with Sean and me to KL Central. The boys wanted to go to the cyber cafe in ss2 to play ... what else ... dota (or is it CS, idunno). This would be Alfin's second time on the LRT. Siti and I were so sure deep deep deep down inside he was as excited as a kid that just received a new football. Although on the outside he tried to keep his cool. (ppffft XP)

The LRT ride was fun. I got to sit on two seats just cos Alan and Aizat were playing gentlemen and Siti preferred to stand up. Tariq fell asleep with his hoodie on. I dunno why but I found that funny. OH OH! Just before our stop, a really really tall guy, sooo tall his hair was brushing the LRT ceiling, entered the LRT. His height stunned me my jaw literally dropped in awe. Siti laughed but I was still in awe when we reached our stop.

We decided to walk to our house instead of call my mom. Siti and I were in the leaaad! yeah yeah. We walked for about 2 minutes and suddenly from behind :"Are we there yet?" by Alfin Lian -.- Siti and I were laughing for no apparent reason throughout the walk home. But I do remember running down a small not so steep slope like flapping baby birds trying to fly with Siti. Oh we laughed so hard that time. 

Tariq, Alan, Sean and Alfin went to CC by taxi. Aizat stayed back with the ladies. Qis and I fell asleep for a little while. Aizat wanted to go home, instead of idle around so he walked to the LRT station himself (although I asked him to wait for the other boys. I tried to talk him out of it but he stuck to his decision like a fly on fly paper XD). Siti and I watched 'Premonition' or something like that when her mom came to pick her up. The boys came home soon after. 

Alfin, Tariq and myself were going crazy on the piano. Once in a while a random Alan would drop in and start playing something from the Matrix. lol. Alfin tried playing the piano with his back to the piano and his hands over his head on the piano keys. lol, that didn't work very well. 

Everyone (except Lian) went home. Alfin siad he might have to sleepover as his parents werent feeling well. lol we played Speed with the deck of playing cards before dinner. Alfin had his own special way of playing. I was so tensed up during a game with Sean. Speed can be so scary when you play with Sean (AND Qis). 

Alfin, Sean and I went to OU after dinner. Alfin wanted to get a shirt for sleeping -.-. We spent like half an hour in FOS looking for a sleeping shirt. The boys had a game of pool while I went down looking around. While I was waiting for them at Baskin Robbins, I saw Juju with (i think) her mom. OH! And I also saw Zain Azrai at Waffle World. And I saw (i think it was) Zoe from Puay Chai in FOS.

In the end Alfin couldn't sleep over. lol but he left all his stuff (e.g baju melayu, yoyo, nintendo ds, t-shirt, bag, cap) at our house. lol. 

OK, tired.