November 9, 2008

Performance for the Rotary Club @ Crowne Plaza

I had a round of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban on the xbox before I got ready for rehearsal. Stupid disc kept getting stuck, wasn't able to enjoy the game very much. Although I love how everything in the game is so detailed to the movie. It kinda shows even the gaming industry respects the originality of Harry Potter. Either that or it's for the sake of profits. :) Whichever, that's why I love the game.

I read something on the net before we left the house. Jumbled up feelings flooded me and I'm still hesitating whether or not to mention anything about what I read. One, I might get carried away, two, it makes me angry. It's 1.05am, either two isn't what I wanna go through for now.

Rehearsal was the usual :) But again, fun laugh fun laugh. The end of rehearsal didn't subside our (Inka, Alia, Siti, Alesia, Qis, and myself) laughing. We wanted to freshen up before heading off to Crowne Plaza for the performance tonight. 

We were still laughing and talking, though. Yes, even in the shower cubicles, we'd be talking from cubicle to cubicle and whoever was outside the cubicles. Siti was singing in Japanese so I started to talking in French (or was it Italian/German). 

My make up never did turn out okay. It was either to thick, to pale, or too pink. I could promise I thought my friends were playing a joke on me. Kak Fariza helped me with the eye shadow and eyeliner ( one eye. lol we were in a rush to leave, there werent enough time ). Finished our making up at Crowne Plaza and the had a rehearsal at the stage there. 

After dinner we just hung around and talked alot. :) Amelia, Alesia, Aila and myself talked about the education system :) lol It's such a coincidence I've been discussing that topic with so many people. Amelia and Surayyn shared with us a little French (emphasizing on the word 'little', here XD). All we learned was how to say 'rabbit' and 'the'. 

The performance was ok :) The emcee ( i think ) had eyelashes with GEMS on it. I've seen people selling those kind of fake lashes but I've never seen it on somebody. It was kind of nice. I've got a tiring day tomorrow. I'd better sleep.

Oh on wait. After Desperate Housewives. :)

** I apologize a million times and more to the whole table (in school) particularly Maryam Azraa and Latifah Azlan. I've not been able to go for outings planned and still am not being able to go nowadays :( And I'm soo soo sorry. Honestly whenever I tell you guys I wont be able to attend it almost feels so old to say the words as I've been saying them almost EVERY outing you guys invite me to. 

But trust me when I say, I feel bad whenever I turn down an invite. :( And I'm so so sorry.