January 7, 2009

Stop procrastinating already.

Honestly, how many times have I mentioned I'll clean up my room? And still still the room is so messed up I could hide some real heavy weapons and it wouldn't be detected. Graah. 

I've homework! :) First pile of form four homework, and I'm super excited. I plan to clean up my room after homework (pssh, let's see if I actually do it). My mom will be making (baking/cooking?) bread pudding for later. We're gonna get yam ice cream to go with the bread pudding. Can anyone say yum yum-a-yummay? .... Yum yum-a-yummay :)

Piano lesson was the usual. I've decided to take my grade 8 practical exam next year in April. The pieces aren't impossible, they're just long and personally I think they sound weird but I think I'll grow to like the pieces. And have i ever mentioned how frustrating piano theory can be? I don't understand not one bit of what I scribbled in my workbook today. Hopefully I'll figure it out soon (oh pleeasee let it be soon), any more frustration with theory and I might just .. well I dunno what but it won't be something good :\

English Literature starts tomorrow. I'm excited, I really am. :) After Englist Lit I'll be accompanying my sister to a commercial audition she has so to go to at someplace at sometime. After that it's straight to the recording at ... well, somewhere far ... for DTB. Can't wait to see everyone again. I just hope there won't be too much homework tomorrow. 

Well! Now to get started on my homework. LETS DO THIS. :)