January 20, 2009

Exhaustion ): aahh

Just came home from house practice and BOY am I tired.

Nothing much happened today. I'm hoping the day will seal with a good two hours of confusing add maths with Jing Wei and Shaheera. I promised to bring Jing Wei perfume, seeing as she came straight from house practice, to tuition, to the add maths tuition later at 8pm.  lol.

The juniors this year are pretty enthusiastic about green house. I think that sort of pumped up the green house spirit in the seniors. Which is a good thing. I really love sports day and I want this year to be a blast. pleeaaase oh pleaaase.

Theres so many things I want to do. So many things I want. 

One thing at a timmmeee, I sometimes tell myself. :( But theres onee thing I'll neeever have. grr. pfft, I'll make it up for something else. and thaaats ....

To be a disney princess ):

hahah :) naaww, there really is something. But maybe, I guess, it's just another girly girly fantasy thing. I need less of those and a bigger chunk of reality in me. Any idea where they sell reality in a jar?

Sometimes I feel like I was born in the wrong time era. But of course, then the wonderful people in my life now remind me of a life without them couldn't be bearable. But yeah, sometimes I wish to live the life of those in the victorian times. Ok, no. Too far. Maybe the 'pride and prejudice movie'? yeah .. that time era. What's it called, again? :D

So beautiful :)