I hustled packing my bag this morning, seeing as last night I was too tired to do so.
:\ when I got to school, I found out we didn't need any of our books today cos it was P.M.D. day :\ wahaaa I completely forgot. PMD is Program Maju Diri :) it's a thing secondary schools do yearly. So today the school invited a Dr. Peter Shephard to give us a talk about the brain.
To be honest, I was really very interested in what he wanted to say. Didn't catch much, though. There was noise and so I had to strain to hear what he said but nonetheless I caught some stuff, anyway. He had us take a short quiz to find out what colored 'birdie' were we before grouping us according to the color. I was a green birdie, said to be the organized type :\ Honestly I thought I was on the line between red (the creative creative type :P, chehh chehh), and the green, but leaning more towards the red. Guess I was wrong, or maybe I didn't do the quiz right.
Anyway! He gave each and every one of the form 4's balloons, also according to the group color. After that, it was mainly talk talk talk :) and listen listen listen.
Lat and I finally tried the 'roti john' in the canteen. It was yummy. It tasted like a coney dog but with barbeque sauce and much more delicious. :) And then I tried the corn ice cream they had, Lat and I love it :) So our official ice cream flavours in school would be ... yam. corn. strawberry. Lat likes the mint as well :) but i dont. :P nyeeh.
I was helping a couple of teachers in the teachers office, but i left my green balloon in the hall. When I got back, everyone had burst their balloons, and someone burst mine ):
So I went to where Evelyn, Kim X, Ami and all were and asked if they had a green balloon I could have :) They did.
AND THEN, I saw sanuja and oh so innocently greeted her. :P. And She burst my balloon with her pen !! ): So I had to go back and get another balloon. :) I got a bigger balloon this time. Here's a little photo session with my balloon and Dr. Peter Shephard.

I don't know bout you guys, but I thought today was really fun :) well ... interesting, at least.
And then I got home ... and someone had to ruin my day ): To be honest, I don't know why i care so much. But I know I still do. Whatever lah, I'll get over it. It's just the matter of the right medicine. Should start now :)
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