February 16, 2009

Ugh, school.

Last night ( 15.2.09 ), on our way home from rehearsal at DBKL, we passed by where I think was near Petaling Street. There was a man, skin painted gold, wearing a gold tuxedo doing the robot on one of the corners of the streets of KL. And people, it's not the typical dull gold, it's the Shiny almost crossing yellow gold.


Debate competition today was .. debate-ey. The team did very very well, am so very proud of them. Sri Aman won both rounds, and will be going for the semi-finals next week. No, I don't know who're the team gonna go against in the semi-finals. But whoever or whatever, those 3 debaters will do beyond the stars of awesome-ness.

Some pretty funny and definitely-memory-worthy moments happened today. But I'm thinking maybe they'll stay in the mind as memory than put down as words. 1. It's difficult to find the write vocabulary to describe. 2. I'm tired.

After debate (which ended at 5pm) I rushed home, (thank you Trishi's mom for the ride home, I'm really sorry for the convenience if any) got ready and zoomed off for rehearsal by 6pm at DBKL. By the time I got there I couldn't walk in straight line, I was way way way too tired.

But rehearsal was good. We did the tech run, mikes and all, the stage is cool. Amelia and I were still into the whole sticker thing. 

I'm tired. Sentences don't come out how I want them to. Goo'night.

P/S: I wont be going to school. Probably for the whole week, actually. Rehearsals end at 12 midnight, I'd be way way too tired in the morning.