February 19, 2009

The first of what would probably be the last

:) Yesterdays show, may I say, would be the last time we'd put on the 'first show' of DanSing Thru Broadway. Thinking of what my weekends would be after DTB ... ): 

The show was great. Received a lot of positive feedback. Opening act (Sunday Clothes) was awesome. Amelia and I were backing going 'omigod after this we're not going to be seeing each other for a very loong time ):'. But it's all good, right, sticker buddy? :P

I was pretty excited for 60's. Excited but extra super duper nervous. I've never had a main part on theatre before, and all sorts of 'what if's were playing in my mind like motion pictures. That was until I put on the wig. After that everything went from 'what if' to 'omigod they're gonna ..'

But Thank you thank you thank you 
Her words really calmed me and made me feel tons better

Alesia will be Alesia :) Thank you, dear

Especially you lah. Stood in the toilet with me until I said "I'm pretty". LOL :D what laaa

Who ran all the way to the make up stand for tissues :)

Who, until the end of the show, kept telling me I looked fine in the wig :) The best part was, while I was getting Tracy's hair on, she was sitting right next to me getting her Annie wig on. And well, being sticker buddies, we couldn't help but giggle at one another.

Alfred, Alan
Simply for the pat on the back. hahah :D

But the song was great. Everyone was amazing, the crew, the dancers, the set, but mostly, I think, was because we had Keith in a shiny pink dress, a big wig, and a toys 'r' us tiara :) The audience roared when he came out in that outfit. LOL

After re-reading what I just typed out. I feel really silly getting upset over a stupid wig. Immature, much? I promise I won't tonight :)