April 24, 2009

What's in a name?

That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet.

I just got home from KLPAC. Went to watch  "From the Page and Onto the Floor" with the Form 4 English Literature class. I didn't wear the sea green dress I planned to, didn't feel like a dress night. Latifah's dress was really cute and her hair added the cuteness but in a dont mess with me kind of way. I don't know what she see is wrong about her new hair cut. I sure don't see anything. Make it work.

The play was good :) Shakespeare has always been such an inspiration all over and it wasn't until today when I realized exactly how amazing his work was. I loved Hamlet, and Romeo and Juliet. 

I loved how Shakespeare could put the feeling of 'love' into words. Usually we're lost for words, or words just couldn't describe the overwhelming feeling of it all (not talking outta experience :] Lots of romantic movies in the past, people), but Shakespeare managed to do so. How he made Romeo put his feelings to words, Bravo :)

Hah I've been living under a rock. Shakespeare. is amazing. 

I saw Tria after the play. I'm sorry if I seemed a little awkward or dull. I was just really really tired and dehydrated.    :)