April 15, 2009

:) Daddy and our Neighbour + Megan's Evilness

Daddy : *spots our neighbor, uncle Amir coming outta his house* Amiirr! 

Uncle Amir : Yo!

Daddy : Whats up?!

Uncle Amir : Nothin' much. What's happening?

Mae : ...

Daddy : ...

Uncle Amir : ...

Daddy : Haaaaaaaaaappening.

Mae : O.O

Aiyo. Daddy needs to watch more Randy Jackson :)

So! I need a shower :) Just got home from Ballroom private class. Private classes are scary (and tiring -.-), that's when the eyes are on you. And you dance non-stop. In group classes you can sneak a break or two when the instructor isn't looking. During a private class, your instructor watches you like a hawk. :) But its cool. The classes are really fun and thats when I really get to work on technique.


Everyday ever since 3pm on the 11th of April (Archie showcase)
I can't listen to his album. It hurts too much. :P lol drama queen. When I hear A Little Too Not Over You or Touch My Hand, I can't help but remember his cute little hops on stage :) And his ear-to-ear grin throughout the whole showcase. 

Ughh. pain. David come back soon.

HELP debate. How it went down :) 
Eeeeuuuurrmm ... We lost :) To Damansara Jaya. 

But whatever it was, I don't regret what happened. The point is, it did :) We'll make our next debating experience an even better one than this experience. This was our first time ever participating in a real debate tournament, and I think (lol, I'm kinda hesitant when I'm about to use the word 'think'. I'll explain later on in this post) .. no .. I KNOW we did the best we could. 

I got best speaker :) That was a surprise, honestly. I was ready to bet my bottom dollar that one of the Government speakers would nab that title for shiz'sure. 

My first ever debating experience? I think it went okay. I think I stuttered a little during my rebuts to the arguments brought forth by the Government. MY GOSSH the end of my speech was the scariest part. I wrote my summary speech on the back of one of my cue cards. After I was done with my substantive speech, I couldn't find my summary speech. I freaked out but hopefully that didn't show. I was so close to saying, "L&G since I have no idea where I misplaced my summary speech, I'll do it spontaneously." But I didnt :) I just went on with whatever popped  into my head. 

:) Highlight of the day (before the debate took place), I got to meet up with a friend I haven't seen since CNY. Alia Astaman. :) I'm really sorry I couldn't help you with your favor, eventhough I already said yes to helping you out. The debate was about to start. ):

I also got to meet up with a long lost friend :) One of my best friends in primary school. Alysha Lee. She bought a McD drink, which I thought was coke. So when she offered some I gladly took a sip, needed some sugar. AFTER I took a sip then she says, "It's Milo". Raaar. I don't like Milo at McD's. But it was nice seeing her again, and meeting some of her friends from Sri Inai.

P/S: About the 'think' thing. LOL. I slipped it out somewhere in my rebuttal speech. And the government highlighted it. LOL and when he did I was like, "Aww man. Kudos to you, dude. That was a good move." :) But all in all, it was a fun experience. Good luck to the DJ debate team in your next round. 

Megan's evil Question.

She asked me. "Which was the better day? Genting with the Latin stars or Sunway with Archuleta."

:) I reeeaally dont know how to answer that. You eeeeEEEEeeeeval. 

What I can tell you is that, doesn't matter which day was better, I really enjoyed myself during both events. And both for completely different reasons. Genting, I got to see what a dancesport competition was really like, and I got to learn so much ... (ehemehem and theendingwasfreakinawesome). Archie showcase was a blast, it was my first ever .. I can't say concert cos it wasn't. Okay okay. It was my first time watching one of my favourite favourite favouritest (I dont know if thats a word) artistes, with two other Archie maniacs. And that was a blast too. Singing along, screaming, just .. being in the audience watching him have fun on stage .. makes me want to get on stage and sing at the top of my lungs :) HAHA if I do, I think my fingers would be enough to count the amount of people in he audience. I might not even need my fingers :)

So Megan, I'll be evil back :)

POI declined. 

But I still love you :)