March 15, 2009

Lat's tag

What I Want For My Birthday List

List 10 things that you want for your birthday, doesn't matter whether the things that you want is possible or impossible to get. tag 10 people to do this afterward. have fun.

1. Paramore album(s) - All We Know Is Falling - Riot!
2. Ballroom shoes. Both types. 
3. Jason Mraz's album(s) - We Sing. We Dance. We Steal Things. - Waiting For My Rocket to Come - Mr. A-Z
4. To be a guest in Ugly Betty :D :D Their set looks like so much fun
5. The novel, 'Landlady' by Roald Dahl 
6. Flight tickets around the world.
7. World Peace
8. A pretty Charm bracelet :) (I've always wanted one of those)
9. To live a life of a disney princess, at least for a day :P

10. To have the comfort of knowing everyone I love will be here forever and ever and freakingever. I think I might have a fear of losing people ):

I tag. 
Kreshenka, Siti, Alesia, Qissie, Anis, Lydiya, Trisher, Ch'ng