May 31, 2009

Is that Archuleta?

Mummy came home from Amsterdam yesterday. Since then I couldn't stop with the questions. Amsterdam sounds so peaceful, so .. calm. 


I was telling mummy about this one time when David Archuleta was playing on the radio, and Simon (daddy's driver) switched the channel just as the song started playing. I bugged my brother to ask Simon if he could switch the channel back to, and, obviously Sean didn't - just to annoy me. So I asked Simon :) I was enjoying the song, singing along. And then it ended. And like a millisecond after it did, Simon said, "okay, finish?" 

LOL. and he switched back the channel to And Sean was like, "HAH!"

And just as I finished telling my mom about it, Miley Cyrus's The Climb came on the radio ...

Mummy : Is this David Archuleta?

Sean and I : O.O 

Mummy : HAHAHHA! I can't tell the difference from all these new stars. 

Mummy bought a  cow plushie for Jean. The cow was white, black ..... pink and red spots and horns. Yeah. It has one red horn and one pink horn. One red nostril and one pink nostril. 

Jean : I wanna name it Meggie!

Sean : You can't name it Meggie, it's a guy!

Jean : No it isn't!

Mae (to the rescue) : Yeah! Who ever said it had to be a guy?!

Sean : ...... Mae, it has horns.

Mae : Oh .... Jean its a guy.

Sean : How in the world did you get 7A's?!

Mom bought so much cheese, I think we'll be having cheese the rest of the year. We went grocery shopping, and as I was unloading the groceries (is that right? 'unloading' the groceries?), I noticed they weren't the food we'd usually buy. It was sort of western. Meat for sandwiches (and that was mainly it from our grocery shopping), soup, french bread, sandwich bread, yogurt .. I mean, yeah its pretty usual but .. suddenly our fridge was filled with stuff for sandwiches and dairy stuff. No spices or colorful flowers they use for whatever curry or something. 

Mae : Ma have you seen our groceries? It's so .. un-asian. 

Mummy : I just got back from Amsterdam.

P/S: I love watching Will Smith interviews. He's funny.

May 30, 2009

7 pounds

I just finished 7 pounds. the movie.

and it was Beautiful. 

I couldn't really get the movie at the beginning, but towards the end everything falls into place and at the very end, everything just pangs and (at least to me) tears fell, and I couldn't swallow in just how beautiful the world could be - if such generosity, such .. ugh .. such beauty could ever ever exist. I'm sure somewhere in this world it does, the movie just made me realize exactly how beautiful could one person be.

haha okay, me using the world 'beautiful' makes it sound a little ... dot dot dot.

but honestly. it was just so ... beautiful. 

Secondly, Will Smith is just breathtaking. He is so amazing, talented don't do him justice. Amazing. 

May 24, 2009

exam mania over-er-errr

I didn't get to go for PRS camp ):

Complications .. can't be bothered to post it up here :D :D heh. But the holidays are coming and I'm going crazy for it to come sooner. This weeks gonna be a loooong week. 

OH!! haha. We had our Add maths exam on wednesday, and we got the results (with formative and all) on friday. lol. talk about express. I did okay. :) Not an A, not a B either but I'm glad with my results. I was almost so sure I was gonna fail. And I improved from last time :) So thats good news, right?

The WDA dinner and dance performance went okay. I was really tired at the end. And the whole thing reminded me of the whole DTB group and just how much I missed performing with those weirdo's (kidding. I love you guys). emm. Next ballroom comp will be in June. June 14. I'm really excited for that. I have to admit even more than I was for the penang comp. Why?

hheeee :) #1 I'm competing in Samba. And I loooooooove samba, its just so fun and .. well .. fun :) #2 Krystle Koh is gonna be there. YAYY!!! 

I realized I didn't post up a birthday post. I'll do it soon although I know its LOOONNG overdue but this year's birthday was nice and sweet so I guess I'll do it anyway. 

So many things swirling around in my head ): 

But anyway. Enjoy the holidays!! :)

P/S: Aliaaaaa! Is the performance still on? :) :)

May 18, 2009

To Megan,


I bought so many books I don't know which one to start with :) AHHH! I have one about China, about some battleship thing about how a boy and his father was separated, Terry Goodkind books ... I can't even remember the rest.

Here's your link Iman :)

This episode was okay. It's the first episode of season 1. Episodes get funnier and funnier everytime. :) Well atleast that's what my opinion.

Enjoy! :) I love the theme song.

Off to school for some bio :) and maths.

May 17, 2009

Read read and more red

I can't put Inkheart down for not more than 5 minutes! ):

Dustfinger, Meggie, Mo, Elinor ... Their names just sing out of the book when I read it. I looove the characters, I love the story. For those who've seen me read a book, whenever I come across a .. umm .. a heart-thumping moment or a sweet moment and any special moment in the book, I'd close it for about 4 seconds and stare at the cover. Creepily I'd find myself smiling at the cover. But anyway, it gives me a moment to breath and then continue the story.

I'd very much love to read the book from Dustfinger's perspective. Everytime Meggie (the character we're reading from) looks at Dustfinger and he's staring into space, I always wondered what was he thinking about. He's cool with his fire blowing skills, juggling skills, and a ferret looking pet with horns always in his pack. 

I'm in love with Mo. How Meggie describes him, what he does for her, how Meggie tells us how she's able to tell what he means with just the tone of how he says something. I dunno. I just love Mo. He's awesome. 

I managed to put the book down to study some physics shiz before i go to sleep. One more week of exams and while I go through this one week, the wonderful world of stories await me :) 5 books. Can't wait to start. 

May 16, 2009

Tagged by Qis

01. What is your name : Mae

02. A four letter word : Mold
03. A boy's name : Michael 
04. A girl's name : pssh. Mae. okay okay. umm .. Mathilda :) I love that show
05. An occupation : Milkman
06. A color : Magenta
07. Something you wear : Make-up? 
08. A food : Melted cheese
09. Something found in the bathroom : Moisturizer 
10. A place : Maryland
11. A reason for being later : My dog ate my shoes
12. Something you shout : MELLOW YELLOW HELLO!!
13. A movie title : My best friend's wedding
14. Something you drank : Milk
15. A musical group : Maroon 5
16. An animal : Monkey
17. A street name : Melawati? 
18. A type of car : Mercedez
19. Title of song : My girl
20. Something you use in school : Magenta color pencil :)

New books :) Hoorah

I didn't keep my promise. 

But anyway. 

I didn't do much studying today. ): I still have 1 week of exams left and I should really, really get started. Yes. STARTED. I haven't revised my Physics and my Chemistry. I'm dead scared for Chemistry though. ): Chemistry is confusing and I dare say I prefer Bio to Chem.

Latin practice was good today. I **think I improved my Rhumba. I sure hope I did, though. Ballroom class is getting tougher every week. I can't say I didn't see it coming but classes seem like more work than fun nowadays .. well, nowaweeks actually, since ballroom is only umm once a week. But I'm not complaining :) I still enjoy ballroom very very very much. 

I went to the Big Bad Wolf Booksale :) My first ever warehouse book sale. Books, paperback, hardcover, magazines .. everything was under RM10. Can you believe it?! We bought about 8=10 books for eighty ringgit. Awesome.

I bought
  • Inkheart - I saw the movie and I thought it was really good :) And uhh ... in my opinion, any movie based on a book turns out better than good, it's about 75% proven that the book is just as good or better than the movie.
  • A sequel to A Golden Compass - same reason as above. But I couldn't find the first book [the golden compass] so i bought the III book instead
  • Stars of Sea - its about a group of very different individuals on a ship and they're looking for  a new start in life. Or something like that. But I liked the little sneak preview I gave myself at the warehouse. So I bought it :)
  • Phantom - ... I can't remember what its about.
I've already started with Inkheart and I love it. I looove it. I admire Mo (star of the .. book) :) I do I do I do I do I do. HEEEEEYYYYYY what happened to Mamma Mia? I haven't heard about it for awhile.

I think I might've gotten back my love for reading. I got bored of it after heaps of chick lits. ): They all end the same I don't know why I bothered with so many. 

So tomorrow I have mandarin tuition in the morning, rehearsal in the afternoon - evening and serious studying to do at night. I think I'll make it before Monday :) No no .. positive thinking. I KNOW I'll make it before Monday. 

May 15, 2009

Promises promises :)

I need to update my blog.

:) After physics tuition. PROMISE.

May 3, 2009

I'm back home :) [Ballroom comp+ AI contest]

After a tiring weekend (that went by very quick, I must add). But I had so much fun, a little tense but definitely fun.

I left for Penang around noon on Friday. Slept for half the journey, as for the other half, I surprised myself by being able to accomplish the whole of chapter one of Add Maths. I have a little trouble with inverse functions, I'll need to find myself a tutor that can sit with me for max 15 minutes and explain a little :) (chyeah, it's add maths, i'll need a week)

So anyway. 

The day of the competition. 

When I got to the hall we'd be competing, my heart dropped only the slightest. The floor was tiled, meaning it's gonna be slippery and the worst of the worst would be to slip, AND be tripped on. There'll be 18 couples (COUPLES, that means 36 people) on the floor in the category I was to compete in. And there's two heats, meaning there are 36 couples and only 6 would compete in the finals later at night.

Sean and I waited for the rest from WDA to arrive. After they did we rehearsed a little on the floor. I got dressed, the atmosphere got a little more tense than before ... 

and we begin the event at 12.30nn.

I competed in Beginners Cha Cha, and Beginners Rhumba. After our first round, against the other 36 couples, the judges were to select 24 couples to head onto the quarter finals. I was watching and cheering on for our fellow dance mates with everyone else on the floor. And Belman tapped me on the shoulder, he says, "You've made it. Cha Cha and Rhumba." 

More cheering after the good news.

And it was again our turn to compete in the beginners quarter finals. This time therer was only one heat. All 24 couples on the floor. And from that 24, the judges will pick 12 couples to move on to semi finals. 

I felt good about the Cha Cha. The rhumba was a little messy. 

Again, while the other categories went on, I cheered with everyone else :)

A few categories went by, and I decided to go check the results board. 

My heart fell when I didn't see the number '34' on the list of the couples moving on to semi finals for Beginners Rhumba. 

But we made it for Cha Cha :) 

So. 12 couples on the floor, competing for one of the 6 available spots for the finals later that night. 

We didn't make it after that. Stopped at semifinals.

But I had a lot of fun :)

This morning, we left Penang at 7am, so I'd make it back in time for the + Starworld contest to win a pair of tickets to LA for the American Idol finals. All I can say is that it was a fun event :) It was like monopoly. You're supposed to collect golden tickets as you go around the board. You win tickets by answering questions correctly a/o performing wild card challenges. The challenges were funny, although I must admit, some of the questions were tough. 

I didn't win. 

So I guess instead of the theatre in LA watching Adam Lamber and Allison Iraheta live, I'll be in school doing my add maths exam. 

But I had fun, anyway. Millie was there !! :D 

Each contestant was given an Idol t-shirt we had to wear throughout the event. Each t-shirt had names of the contestants from American Idol season8. I got Adam Lambert :) Whooohooo. In the goodie bags we got, they gave us AI speakers, 2 albums (david cook and jennifer hudson) and movie tickets to x-men. 

Oh well. :) Fun weekend.  Back to school tomorrow.

[pictures of the comp will be up soon, i hope. nothing much though]