October 28, 2008

When you have 5 minutes to spare ...

Look up

  • Charice Pempengco
  • Gamarjobat
  • Charlie Bit My Finger
Charice Pempengco would be the best 16 year old singer I've come across. I've told some of my friends about her. :) Nothing new i'm gonna mention here. 

Once, David Foster had a concert (I think it was a concert) and Whitney Houston was supposed to sing. Whitney wasn't able to make it that day and Charice replaced Whitney Houston. Come on, how much of a genius does a person have to be to figure how good Pempengco must be to replace Whitney Houston?!

Gamarjobat are two Japanese ( i think ) mimes. Oh you'll love them

They were holding shows here in Bangsar's actors studio. I didn't get to catch the show but I hear they were hilarious. They have videos on youtube (lol, what isnt on youtube?)

Charlie Bit My Finger is just an adorable video you have to watch on youtube.