October 20, 2008

Took for granted

Didn't go to school today. The form 3 batch have nothing much to do in school now that PMR is over and we've already returned our SPBT books.

I'm at home, with absolutely nothing to do. And today, unfortunately, became one of those days when the internet couldn't offer me something productive to do. Or maybe I'm not looking hard enough.

I came across a blog I stopped 'following' quite a while back. But I'm glad I did. We used to be so close, honestly I've forgotten the reason why we stopped being close. I remember being so angry I didn't want anything to do with anyone in that particular social circle. 

Though now I realize the period of time we never talked was such a waste of time. There was and is so much she and I could've shared with each other.  I regret not being there for her when she needed me, heck I don't even know WHEN she needed someone. See what I mean by we completely did not communicate?

But I think now I'm scared to walk back into the social circle cos I think I've forgotten who I was a few years ago. She seems to be exactly how I remembered her from back then (although 'back then' doesn't seem so long ago). I never get hyped up over silly things in MSN no more, myspace/friendster comments dont fly from one profile to the other. The whole fun-hyper flare died from me quite a while ago. 

:\ Have I changed that much? Schedules, tuiton, to-do lists really got to me :(

Grrr, I want Mae-version2006 to come home :(