October 31, 2008


:\ I wanted to just download the songs I liked best from the movie.

Ended up downloading EVERY song ...


The first few seconds of 'Just Wanna Be With You' was sung by Ryan and Kelsie.  I think Lucas Gabreel's voice is dreamy - kinda. He sang the song (well, first bit) beautifully. He should've got that duet. Make a little Ryan+Kelsie oohlala scene.  :)

Lat, Qis, have you guys watched HSM3?

:) But my favourite favourite favourite would be 'A Night to Remember' and 'Can I Have This Dance'. I think I'll have a bowl of froot loops right now. It's all sugar but it's so colorful I can't help but smile whenever I have them. 

Mhhh guess what. I caught the 'Enchanted' bug - again. Listened to James Marsden and his B-E-A-ooooootiful voice of his on youtube, singing 'True Loves Kiss'. Oh, and I couldn't stop watching the scene where he jumps off the bridge in the park and a bunch of bicycles collide with him. :) ahhhh fun-n-n-ny.

Mamma miaaa :)