November 8, 2008

Worst case senario .. well, almost

St John Sri Aman Division had their annual enrollment for the members today. 

I was pretty nervous I might not fit into my St John uniform. I've been wearing the same uniform since 2006. Lucky for me the zip didn't pop and I didn't look so much like a mushroom. OH and I was penguin-walk-clear with the pants I thought was so tight i had to walk like a penguin.

And just when I thought everything was going fine, we were leaving the house, and my zip popped in the car -.- So my mom had to change the zip. Thank god for a mom with killer sewing skills. AFTER, at school I realized my head gear didn't have the head gear badge :\. Lucky for me Dhivya brought extra. Hah I didn't feel like going through the fuss of sewing the badge on, so I used the UHU glue I coincidently had in my bag. Just lucky I guess.

AFTER, I was told the Cadet badge sewn on the torso of our uniform had to be sewn on the left, not the right. So I snipped it off, and again, used UHU glue. AFTER when we were rehearsing for the ceremony, I had forgotten that we had to sing the St John song and I didn't look up the lyrics the night before. 

Lucky again Melissa Kei had the lyrics. Natashyia and I were like singing and singing and singing the song over and over again. :) Close call, I managed to memorize the song in time. The ceremony breezed through - hooorah. 

I had ballroom class after. We did the Waltz today - again. The whole turning box step thing is sooo much less confusing now that Mrs. Lim went through the sequence again (lol, slowly). I partnered a ballroom pro, Alex. I was so nervous I'd screw up and waste his hour in class. :) But he was so nice (and patient). He'd tell me what was coming next or which way the box step was turning. 

Vermon (I think .. I hope thats the correct spelling) came to teach us the Cha Cha with a little more technique. He thought us the basic, and how to do a 'fan'. Oh I looove it. This time I partnered Brendon, today was his first class. He was doubting himself, kept saying he couldn't do it. But he glided through, maaaaan. Kept apologizing whenever he did a little mistake, I couldn't help but giggle. Dude, I'm not even so sure what I'm doing.

The more advanced students learned the Rhumba ( I think ). They did spins. REALLY FAST spins. Gosh I can't wait till I become that good - if I ever.

I BOUGHT MY 2009 STUDY TAAABLEEE! yay :) One of my holiday to-do's checked off. I love the table. It's a simple white, corner table top with white A legs but I love it :)