November 11, 2008

:) Finally

And outing with the table. Not everyone from the table could make it but atleast I didn't have to miss out on yet another outing. 

We went ice skating at Sunway. Lat and I carpooled to and fro Sunway. Had Wendy's before skating. That would be the first time I've been to Wendy. Now for Carls Jr.! :) lol, I've never been to Carls Jr. although I hear their burgers are hugantic. Saw Miller, havent seen the dear since the last day of PMR, I think. It was good to see her. 

Skating was fun. I watched Latifah take her first glide on the ice :) By the end of the day she could skate without holding to 'stuff'. Riyana was doing good, too. She'd relate how to skate/balance to science, which I found a little funny. Maryam was a pro. 

There were a few people having their ice skating lesson at one corner of the rink. Had the familiar crave of wanting to join the skating academy and perform all those fancy twirls. But I think I'll leave ice skating to being a social activity. 

Lat and Maryam helped me look for sooooomething. :) Couldn't fulfill the objective. Things are so expensive nowadays. In the car on the way home, Lat and I were talking about Prom Nightmares, a documentary we watched on I forgot what channel. *I can't watch Lockdown tonight, lat. I hope they have re-runs cos my dad is watching le television

My mom tried out her marinara spaghetti sauce for the first time today. It. Was. Amazing. It's amazing how my mom gets her cooking juuust nice despite it being her first time :( Supermom. I wanna be supermom too :)

Had rehearsal after. Gonna have rehearsal tomorrow as well. Soooo .. yay :D