Last night was the thank you dinner for those who helped out at the Crystal DanceSport. Teacher Joanne says they don't usually organize thank you dinners but this time, there was something about extra tables for the event and a no-refunds policy.
Dinner was great :) The evening was pleasant. I was sitting at the back of the car, about to fall asleep. The car stops at a traffic light and all of a sudden my mom says, "MAE! YOUR FRIEND!"
I immediately got up and looked out the window on my right.
And true enough, there was Trishi and her family smiling. HAHAH! THAT WAS TOOO WEIRD! My dad rolled down the window and Trishi and I had a short conversation. HAH.
That is definitely going down memory lane.
Sean : ... A convo at a traffic light? Mae, if I saw my friend at a traffic light, I'd just do this, *then he does this thing with his eyebrow and raised his palm*
Mae : Oh.
Sean : ... tsk. Convo at a traffic light.
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