January 13, 2009


Jing Wei sits beside me in Add Maths tuition, aaaaaaand ....

Both of us was on the verge of slamming our workbooks shut and just sulk in our seats. SOOO FRUSTRATING. Add Maths is fun and exciting, but complicated. Maybe tons and tons of exercises will help. My goodness gracious me, I really hope it does.

Want proof add maths messes with the sanity of our minds? .. Convo of the day..

Latifah : The stupidest thing just happened just now.

Mae+Trishi : What?

Latifah : The canteen tosai is 80 cents, right? So I gave the lady a five ringgit note and eighty cents and said, "Sorry I don't have 80 cents so I'll give you five ringgit and eighty cents.

Mae+Trishi ; HAHAHAHAH! Number One.

'number one' is an inside joke thing. :)

I have so much homework and stuff to do. Sometimes, being a vampire has its advantages.

In this case ... 
Being able to finish homework by the due date since vampires don't have to sleep. 

I'd better get started on mine ...

I'm not a vampire, remember?